Unleaded: Warrior Walking, the Only Cardio You Need for Combination Fighting, Physical Culture and Attacking the Outdoors


Free Yourself from “Cardio” The Old School Way

I am a content man as I…

·        Never have to run another step, hit another burpee, or sweat another HIIT session again. [High Intensity Interval Training.]

·        I have kicked a two-doctor consult of, “Looks like we need to replace that hip cuz you won’t be doin’ much on it” down the road for close to three years. [Still may happen, just sayin’ already do far more than pre-diagnoses with far less trouble.]

·        Keep in mind, I was told a cane was in order to make it thru an amusement park to watch my daughter ride rides.

·        I swim rivers, free-dive oceans, hike miles in canyonland at elevation, climb and skitter cliff face without apparent hiccup in hip or, here’s the important part—perceived increased effort via non-specific cardio output at times under elevation.

·        The Grand Experiment of Turning this Old Body over to nothing but Old School Unleaded Conditioning began just before my 54th birthday. [57 years-old at the moment.]

·        I have logged nary a run session, not hit a sprint, nor endured a burpee during this span.

·        I plunged in [with skepticism] into pure Old School Conditioning. That is, the odd mix of calisthenics and [seemingly] light weights, strange “shock” exercises, and the most counter-intuitive of all—the specific type of walking used by early Combination Men to prep for a fight.

·        Counter-Intuitive?—Running was seen as a no-no. A hole-digger.

·        Counter-Intuitive as it leans one up and increases work capacity all while feeling like, “Hey, am I foolin’ myself here?”

·        I have put myself thru The Canyonlands Test, the Extended River Tests, the Swim Tests, the Rucking Under Load Tests and all point to better output in a myriad of environmental trials and I had to do ZERO redline work.

·        I did zero Task-Specific Training.

·        Hell, all I did was hew to the Warrior Walking ideal.

·        This “Original Roadwork” shot through the prism of Indigenous Movement we are calling “Warrior Walking” is relatively easy to learn.

·        Takes around a week of diligent attention to get all the mechanics down—to find your glide-- but once you do, Boy Howdy!

·        Coming July 1st to The Black Box Brotherhood, Unleaded: Warrior Walking, the Only Cardio You Need for Combination Fighting, Physical Culture and Attacking the Outdoors.

·        We’ll cover every specific step of mechanics—head-to-toe of how to do it [trust me, it is more than just “getting your steps in.”]

·        We’ll provide two Warrior Walking Programs, a 12 Week Cycle for Those Who Simply Want to Lean Up and Enjoy Life. Perfect to grab the hand of loved ones and sayin’, “Let’s go!”  A “workout” that feels exactly like explorin’ life—gotta love that!

·        And another 12 Week Full-On Program that is aimed at Combination Fighters [Rough n Tumblers] and Outdoors Explorers.

·        See our blog for some peeks at this approach, this resource in particular: https://indigenousability.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-original-roadwork-by-mark-hatmaker.html

·        Those who partake will, as said in the Comanche warrior tradition: “Kanaba’itu!” [“Walk Tall!”]

·        Warrior Walking is a DVD & 18-Page PDF package.

·        There is whole lotta research and a whole lotta life-correction here.

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Free Yourself from “Cardio” The Old School Way

I am a content man as I…

·        Never have to run another step, hit another burpee, or sweat another HIIT session again. [High Intensity Interval Training.]

·        I have kicked a two-doctor consult of, “Looks like we need to replace that hip cuz you won’t be doin’ much on it” down the road for close to three years. [Still may happen, just sayin’ already do far more than pre-diagnoses with far less trouble.]

·        Keep in mind, I was told a cane was in order to make it thru an amusement park to watch my daughter ride rides.

·        I swim rivers, free-dive oceans, hike miles in canyonland at elevation, climb and skitter cliff face without apparent hiccup in hip or, here’s the important part—perceived increased effort via non-specific cardio output at times under elevation.

·        The Grand Experiment of Turning this Old Body over to nothing but Old School Unleaded Conditioning began just before my 54th birthday. [57 years-old at the moment.]

·        I have logged nary a run session, not hit a sprint, nor endured a burpee during this span.

·        I plunged in [with skepticism] into pure Old School Conditioning. That is, the odd mix of calisthenics and [seemingly] light weights, strange “shock” exercises, and the most counter-intuitive of all—the specific type of walking used by early Combination Men to prep for a fight.

·        Counter-Intuitive?—Running was seen as a no-no. A hole-digger.

·        Counter-Intuitive as it leans one up and increases work capacity all while feeling like, “Hey, am I foolin’ myself here?”

·        I have put myself thru The Canyonlands Test, the Extended River Tests, the Swim Tests, the Rucking Under Load Tests and all point to better output in a myriad of environmental trials and I had to do ZERO redline work.

·        I did zero Task-Specific Training.

·        Hell, all I did was hew to the Warrior Walking ideal.

·        This “Original Roadwork” shot through the prism of Indigenous Movement we are calling “Warrior Walking” is relatively easy to learn.

·        Takes around a week of diligent attention to get all the mechanics down—to find your glide-- but once you do, Boy Howdy!

·        Coming July 1st to The Black Box Brotherhood, Unleaded: Warrior Walking, the Only Cardio You Need for Combination Fighting, Physical Culture and Attacking the Outdoors.

·        We’ll cover every specific step of mechanics—head-to-toe of how to do it [trust me, it is more than just “getting your steps in.”]

·        We’ll provide two Warrior Walking Programs, a 12 Week Cycle for Those Who Simply Want to Lean Up and Enjoy Life. Perfect to grab the hand of loved ones and sayin’, “Let’s go!”  A “workout” that feels exactly like explorin’ life—gotta love that!

·        And another 12 Week Full-On Program that is aimed at Combination Fighters [Rough n Tumblers] and Outdoors Explorers.

·        See our blog for some peeks at this approach, this resource in particular: https://indigenousability.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-original-roadwork-by-mark-hatmaker.html

·        Those who partake will, as said in the Comanche warrior tradition: “Kanaba’itu!” [“Walk Tall!”]

·        Warrior Walking is a DVD & 18-Page PDF package.

·        There is whole lotta research and a whole lotta life-correction here.

Free Yourself from “Cardio” The Old School Way

I am a content man as I…

·        Never have to run another step, hit another burpee, or sweat another HIIT session again. [High Intensity Interval Training.]

·        I have kicked a two-doctor consult of, “Looks like we need to replace that hip cuz you won’t be doin’ much on it” down the road for close to three years. [Still may happen, just sayin’ already do far more than pre-diagnoses with far less trouble.]

·        Keep in mind, I was told a cane was in order to make it thru an amusement park to watch my daughter ride rides.

·        I swim rivers, free-dive oceans, hike miles in canyonland at elevation, climb and skitter cliff face without apparent hiccup in hip or, here’s the important part—perceived increased effort via non-specific cardio output at times under elevation.

·        The Grand Experiment of Turning this Old Body over to nothing but Old School Unleaded Conditioning began just before my 54th birthday. [57 years-old at the moment.]

·        I have logged nary a run session, not hit a sprint, nor endured a burpee during this span.

·        I plunged in [with skepticism] into pure Old School Conditioning. That is, the odd mix of calisthenics and [seemingly] light weights, strange “shock” exercises, and the most counter-intuitive of all—the specific type of walking used by early Combination Men to prep for a fight.

·        Counter-Intuitive?—Running was seen as a no-no. A hole-digger.

·        Counter-Intuitive as it leans one up and increases work capacity all while feeling like, “Hey, am I foolin’ myself here?”

·        I have put myself thru The Canyonlands Test, the Extended River Tests, the Swim Tests, the Rucking Under Load Tests and all point to better output in a myriad of environmental trials and I had to do ZERO redline work.

·        I did zero Task-Specific Training.

·        Hell, all I did was hew to the Warrior Walking ideal.

·        This “Original Roadwork” shot through the prism of Indigenous Movement we are calling “Warrior Walking” is relatively easy to learn.

·        Takes around a week of diligent attention to get all the mechanics down—to find your glide-- but once you do, Boy Howdy!

·        Coming July 1st to The Black Box Brotherhood, Unleaded: Warrior Walking, the Only Cardio You Need for Combination Fighting, Physical Culture and Attacking the Outdoors.

·        We’ll cover every specific step of mechanics—head-to-toe of how to do it [trust me, it is more than just “getting your steps in.”]

·        We’ll provide two Warrior Walking Programs, a 12 Week Cycle for Those Who Simply Want to Lean Up and Enjoy Life. Perfect to grab the hand of loved ones and sayin’, “Let’s go!”  A “workout” that feels exactly like explorin’ life—gotta love that!

·        And another 12 Week Full-On Program that is aimed at Combination Fighters [Rough n Tumblers] and Outdoors Explorers.

·        See our blog for some peeks at this approach, this resource in particular: https://indigenousability.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-original-roadwork-by-mark-hatmaker.html

·        Those who partake will, as said in the Comanche warrior tradition: “Kanaba’itu!” [“Walk Tall!”]

·        Warrior Walking is a DVD & 18-Page PDF package.

·        There is whole lotta research and a whole lotta life-correction here.

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ESP RAW 244 The Black Box Project #34: 251 Ways to Choke a Man, Volume 1
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